MPO Policy Committee Meeting December 21, 2022

WMSRDC 316 Morris Ave, Suite 340, Muskegon, MI, United States

All those interested in transportation planning are encouraged to attend.  The agenda and meeting materials are below: December 21 Policy Agenda WestPlan FY23-26 TIP Amendment 4 Final-Employment-Forecast-2050 FINAL_Forecast_PopHH_2050-BW

MPO Technical Committee Meeting February 2, 2023

WMSRDC 316 Morris Ave, Suite 340, Muskegon, MI, United States

All those interested in transportation planning are encouraged to attend. Meeting materials can be found below: February 2, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Agenda 2023 Safety Targets Newsletter

Input Meeting on Coordinated Transportation Plan – Region 14

The West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) is assisting the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission (SWMPC) and the Michigan Department of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation (MDOT OPT), in the development of coordinated transportation plans.  These plans will identify mobility needs and potential improvements in each region — particularly for older adults, people with disabilities, […]