MPO Transportation Technical Committee Meeting June 4, 2020 – Cancelled
WMSRDC 316 Morris Ave, Suite 340, Muskegon, MI, United StatesCancelled due to lack of agenda items.
Cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
This meeting has been cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
This meeting will take place in Muskegon County. Please call WMSRDC for location details.
The meeting will take place in Oceana County. Please contact WMSRDC for locations details.
DATE: Thursday, July 30, 2020 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Zoom meeting/ telephone Time: Jul 30, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) The agenda is available here: RTF AGENDA 07-30-20 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 871 8701 2763 Passcode: 710660 One tap mobile +13126266799,,87187012763#,,,,,,0#,,710660# US […]
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this meeting is being held virtually using a video and telephone call in set up. As in an in person meeting, the public will be given an opportunity to make public comment during the established agenda items at the beginning and end of the meeting. If possible, please mute your […]
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this meeting is being held virtually using a video and telephone call in set up. As in an in person meeting, the public will be given an opportunity to make public comment during the established agenda items at the beginning and end of the meeting. If possible, please mute your […]
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this meeting is being held virtually using a video and telephone call in set up. As in an in person meeting, the public will be given an opportunity to make public comment during the established agenda items at the beginning and end of the meeting. If possible, please mute your […]