In efforts to delist Muskegon Lake as an Area of Concern (AOC), WMSRDC is excited to begin shoreline restoration at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club. The site contains excellent opportunities for improved fish habitat and re-establishment of native species diversity. Specific species, to be positively affected, include reptiles, amphibians, northern pike, bluegill, walleye, as well as both large and smallmouth bass.
Funded through WMSRDC’s partnership with the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the NOAA/GLC Great Lakes Regional Partnership and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, this project restored about 500 feet of eroding shoreline. Additional activities included removal of unnatural fill, and installation of emergent and upland native plant buffer to provide bank stabilization, shading, and habitat structure.