- Implement planning as an area-wide water quality planning agency under the Clean Water Act, including an inventory of the Region’s watershed management plans, natural resource priorities and implementation organizations.
- Coordinate with regional planning organizations throughout Michigan and the Lake Michigan watershed to develop projects that improve natural resources, water quality and water dependent recreational uses.
- Provide a central location for collaboration for the Region’s watershed groups and local governments; conduct regional conferences, educational workshops and forums to share best practices.
- Develop and implement projects that address priority natural resource issues and related environmental, social and economic concerns, including development of grant proposals to fund priority projects and programs.
- Facilitate public forums and committees on natural resource needs and priorities and convey priorities to state and federal decision-makers.
- Collaborate with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other state and federal agencies to restore and delist Area of Concern watersheds and implement the Lake Michigan Lake Action Management Plan (LAMP).