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Muskegon County Environmental Coordinating Council

About the Muskegon County Environmental Coordinating Council (MCECC)
The MCECC was originally formed in 1991 to promote cooperation between government, community groups, regulators and local business throughout Muskegon County. With assistance from the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and a number of other interested organizations, the MCECC achieved 501C(3) status in 1998.

Over the years, the MCECC has played, and continues to play, an important role in the promotion of environmental health education and pollution prevention throughout the West Michigan region.

Highlights of past MCECC activities and projects include the origination of a countywide tire recycling project and computer recycling project in conjunction with the County of Muskegon, the creation of the Environmental Excellence Awards banquet at which superior environmental  efforts are recognized, development of a comprehensive recycling directory for Muskegon County residents, and the successful  completion of an Environmental Protection Agency Community Action for a Renewed Environment Demonstration Site Grant.

Scope of Organization
The goal of the MCECC is to be an information exchange body as well as include the coordination, facilitation and information dissemination regarding environmental activity in Muskegon County without passing judgement on either individual projects or the endeavor as a whole. The bylaws of the MCECC are available here.

MCECC partners with WMSRDC in an administrative capacity, and a WMSRDC staff member attends every meeting. As an outgrowth of that partnership, WMSRDC is hosting the MCECC website therefore eliminating MCECC costs associated with web hosting and this also allows for convenient updating of this page by WMSRDC staff. Please note that the MCECC is a stand alone 501C(3) organization and is not otherwise a program of WMSRDC.

Follow MCECC on Facebook
Facebook is where the MCECC posts details about upcoming meetings and other activities and topics pertinent to the mission. Follow it and check it frequently for updates.

Our Grant Partners

(Page in progress)


Agendas and Minutes


Doug Wood, Chair
Involved Citizen

Jill Koebee, Vice-Chair
Partner, Air and Water Compliance Group, LLC

Vicki Witt, Secretary
Sole Proprietor, Luthy Environmental Consulting

Chris Qew, Treasurer
Volunteer Coordinator, Muskegon Museum of Business & Industry

Board Members