About the Muskegon County Environmental Coordinating Council (MCECC)
The MCECC was originally formed in 1991 to promote cooperation between government, community groups, regulators and local business throughout Muskegon County. With assistance from the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and a number of other interested organizations, the MCECC achieved 501C(3) status in 1998.
Over the years, the MCECC has played, and continues to play, an important role in the promotion of environmental health education and pollution prevention throughout the West Michigan region. Highlights of past MCECC activities and projects include the origination of a countywide tire recycling project and computer recycling project in conjunction with the County of Muskegon, the creation of the Environmental Excellence Awards banquet at which superior environmental efforts are recognized, development of a comprehensive recycling directory for Muskegon County residents, and the successful completion of an Environmental Protection Agency Community Action for a Renewed Environment Demonstration Site Grant. Scope of Organization WMSRDC and the MCECC Follow MCECC on Facebook Our Grant Partners (Page in progress) Presentations Agendas and Minutes
Officers Doug Wood, Chair Jill Koebee, Vice-Chair Vicki Witt, Secretary Chris Qew, Treasurer Board Members